Walk In Interview For SR Post At ESIC Medical College And Hospital Bengaluru, Apply Now

Bengaluru: The Employees State Insurance Corporation Medical College PGIMSR and Model Hospital, Rajajinagar (ESIC Medical College Bengaluru) has announced vacancies for the Senior Resident Post on a Contract Basis. The selection will be made on the basis of the performance of the candidate in an interview before the Selection Board.
ESIC is a statutory body constituted under an Act of Parliament (ESI Act, 1948) and works under the administrative control of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.
Vacancy Details:
Total no. of vacancies- 10
The Vacancies are in the Department of Medical Emergency Medicine, Radiology, Forensic Medicine, and Pharmacology.
The date for the walk-in interview is 10th December 2024.
The venue and Reporting time for an interview is New Academic Block, ESIC Medical College PGIMSR & Model Hospital, Rajajinagar, Bangalore From 09.15 A.M to 10.30 A.M.
For more details about Qualifications, Age, Pay Allowance, and much more, click on the given link:
What are the General Conditions for Eligible Candidates?
1. Duly filled in application form in the prescribed format as per Annexure – 1 (available on website www.esic.gov.in/recruitments)
2. The candidates should attend the interview with photocopies of Matriculation Certificate (for proof of Age), MBBS, PG Degree certificate, SC/ST/OBC certificate, Registration certificate with the KMC/MCI/NMC and two passport size photographs.
The candidates are advised to bring their application and original certificates.
Terms and Conditions:-
1. Rule of Reservation will be implemented as per Govt. of India instructions.
2. The appointment shall not confer any right or preference for regular appointment.
3. No claim for any service benefit like, PF, Pension, Gratuity, Medical Allowance, Seniority, and Promotion& Leave will be admissible.
4. Candidates must be registered with Karnataka Medical Council or NMC/MCI before joining the post.
5. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending interview or joining duty.
6. ESI Corporation may increase or decrease or cancel filling up of any post without assigning any reasons at the discretion of the Appointing Authority.
7. The application should be submitted in the prescribed format only at the time of interview . The applications found to be incomplete will be summarily rejected.
8. Candidates seeking reservation benefits for OBC/PH must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the Notice. They should also be in possession of the required certificates in the prescribed format in support of their claim as stipulated in this Notice. OBC candidates should ensure that they are in possession of valid OBC Certificate issued within the due date issued by the authority mentioned in the format. The candidates claiming reservation/age relaxation on grounds of belonging to OBC should submit the Community Certificate in Annexure “A” prescribed vide Govt. of India, Department of Personnel and Training OM No. 36036/2/2013-Estt.(Res.), dated 30.05.2014 falling which the benefit of reservation/ relaxation will not be given or their application shall be rejected and no request / correspondence will be entertained. Certificates issued in other formats will not be accepted and the candidates will be treated as “General category” for all purposes. The format in Annexure “A” is uploaded along with advertisement.
9. The Dean has the discretion to increase/decrease the number of vacancies depending upon an actual requirement/Cancel this recruitment/ withdraw offer of appointment issued after the Walk-ininterview.
10. The candidates are advised to bring their application and original certificates.
11. Candidates who have already worked as Senior Resident under 3 years Senior Residency Scheme are not eligible and those who have worked as Senior Residents under 1 year contract will be appointed only for 2 years or their service period will be deducted proportionately.
12. All candidates are directed to report for interview at Academic Block, ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, Rajajinagar, Bangalore -560 010.
13. Candidates are requested to come and register at the time mentioned above to avoid disqualification.
14.On selection candidates of Senior Residents have to deposit Rs.1,00,000/- non interest bearing (Drawn in favour of ESIC Fund A/C No.1). However, this amount will be appropriated towards administrative cost in case, the candidate resigns/terminates his/her contract within one year of the commencement of the contract with or without prior notice. Further, If the selected candidate intend to resign, he/she has to serve one month Notice period or have to pay one month salary to the ESI Corporation.
15. If the Selected Candidate fails to report for duty within the stipulated date of joining, the next eligible candidate will be considered for the post from the waiting list.
16. On selection, the candidates have to open an SB Account in State Bank of India at any Branches.
17. The Dean is the Controlling Authority for Senior Residents .
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