Understanding Diabetes Risk the Non-Vegetarian Perspective – Dr Suhas Khaire

Maintaining HbA1c below 7% is vital for individuals with diabetes as it reflects stable blood sugar levels over time. This target is crucial in reducing the risk of complications such as heart disease and kidney issues. Regular monitoring and achieving this goal contribute to effective diabetes management, promoting overall well-being and minimizing the potential for long-term health problems.

Contrary to the popular myth that being a non-vegetarian guarantees immunity from diabetes, it’s crucial to understand that diabetes risk is influenced by various factors. While diet plays a role, genetics, lifestyle, and overall health are significant contributors. Non-vegetarians can develop diabetes if other risk factors are present, such as a sedentary lifestyle or genetic predisposition. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and overall healthy living are essential for diabetes prevention, emphasizing that the type of diet alone doesn’t determine one’s susceptibility to the condition.

In this video, Dr. Suhas Khaire, Consultant Endocrinologist from Pune, Maharashtra discusses HbA1c and the importance of keeping HbA1c levels below 7% while dispelling the myth that a person cannot acquire diabetes if they are non-vegetarian.

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