The Lancet:: Experts warn about the overmedicalisation of menopause

A new approach to menopause that better prepares and supports women during midlife is needed – going beyond medical treatments, to empower women using high-quality information on symptoms and treatments, empathic clinical care and workplace adjustments as required, says a new four paper Series published in The Lancet.

Series co-author, Professor Martha Hickey, University of Melbourne and Royal Women’s Hospital (Melbourne), says “The misconception of menopause as always being a medical issue which consistently heralds a decline in physical and mental health should be challenged across the whole of society. Many women live rewarding lives during and after menopause, contributing to work, family life and the wider society. Changing the narrative to view menopause as part of healthy ageing may better empower women to navigate this life stage and reduce fear and trepidation amongst those who have yet to experience it.”
REference: Prof Martha Hickey, Prof Andrea Z LaCroix, Jennifer Doust, Prof Gita D Mishra, An empowerment model for managing menopause, the Lancet, DOI:
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