Saffron Promising in Reducing the Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis: Study

A study conducted at Yazd University explored the therapeutic benefits of saffron as an additional intervention to improve clinical manifestations in the patients with Ulcerative Colitis (UC). The findings were published in the journal of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

The study involved a total of 30 UC patients who were randomly assigned to receive a placebo, a low dose (25 mg), or a high dose (50 mg) of saffron twice daily for 8 weeks. The key markers including hemoglobin, platelet levels, CRP, ESR and fecal calprotectin were recorded along with clinical data such as the Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index (SCCAI), Partial Mayo Score and Hamilton Depression Anxiety Score (HDRS).

The results indicated that the high dose saffron group experienced significant improvements in HDRS score, SCCAI, Partial Mayo score, fecal calprotectin, and CRP compared to baseline. To validate the findings, the outcomes collaborated with Howard University, where three UC patients received 50mg of saffron twice daily for 8 weeks. The inflammatory markers and cytokines were compared before and after the saffron treatment which revealed significant improvements in Partial Mayo Score, health-related quality of life and HDRS. The pro-inflammatory cytokines decreased, while the anti-inflammatory markers increased.

Also, 16S rDNA analysis on stool DNA for gut microbiome showed a decrease in gamma Proteobacteria and an enrichment in Ruminococcaceae. The study demonstrated that saffron led to a reduction in gamma Proteobacteria and enrichment in Ruminococcaceae by indicating its potential impact on the gut microbiome composition.

The study highlighted that all participants completed the study successfully with no adverse events reported which emphasized the safety profile of saffron supplementation. The findings suggest that incorporating saffron supplements along with standard treatment protocols may yield beneficial effects for individuals with UC which could offer improved clinical responses and a better quality of life.


Ashktorab, H., Roghani, R. S., Rohgani, H., Chirumamilla, L., Farjana, N., Rashid, M., Aduli, F., Kibreab, A., Laiyemo, A., Challa, S. R., Oppong-Twene, P., & Brim, H. (2024). Protective role of saffron to reduce inflammation and improve clinical manifestations in Ulcerative colitis patients. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 30(Supplement_1), S00–S00.

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