Periodontal Disease may predict Metabolic Syndrome in Women at Prior High Risk for Gestational Diabetes, finds study

Periodontal Disease may predict Metabolic Syndrome in Women at Prior High Risk for Gestational Diabetes, finds a study published in the Clinical and Experimental Research.
This study aimed to assess the association between periodontal disease and metabolic syndrome (MetS) among women at prior high risk for gestational diabetes with the hypothesis that women with MetS show more signs of periodontal disease than women without MetS. A total of 112 women from an original study cohort of 348 women at high risk of gestational diabetes were examined 4–6 years postpartum. Diagnosis of MetS was based on the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III diagnostic criteria. Insulin resistance was approximated by the homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance. Full‐mouth examinations and panoramic radiographs provided the total dental index, number of teeth, and decayed, missing, and filled teeth index. Clinical examination assessed bleeding on probing, probing depth, visible plaque index, signs of infection, and clinical attachment levels. The periodontal inflammatory burden index (PIBI) was also calculated. Information on oral health habits, symptoms, and individual opinions on oral health was collected through questionnaires. Results: Five years after delivery, 21% of the women had MetS, and they had more gingivitis compared to those without MetS (bleeding on probing: 52% and 44%, p = 0.011). Women with MetS tended to have more periodontitis than those without (39% and 25%, p = 0.13). A high PIBI correlated with insulin resistance (partial correlation of PIBI and homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance: 0.25 p < 0.05). Periodontal disease was associated with insulin resistance and MetS in women at prior high risk of developing gestational diabetes.
Poulsen H, Meurman JH, Kautiainen H, Huvinen E, Koivusalo S, Eriksson JG. Periodontal Disease and Metabolic Syndrome in Women at Prior High Risk for Gestational Diabetes. Clin Exp Dent Res. 2024 Dec;10(6):e70053. doi: 10.1002/cre2.70053. PMID: 39665824; PMCID: PMC11636310.
Periodontal, Disease, predict, Metabolic Syndrome, Women, Prior High Risk, Gestational Diabetes, study, Poulsen H, Meurman JH, Kautiainen H, Huvinen E, Koivusalo S, Eriksson JG , gestational diabetes, metabolic syndrome, periodontal disease