NMC issues FAQs on Maintenance of Standards of Medical Education Regulations 2023, details

New Delhi: Through a recent notice, the National Medical Commission (NMC) has released the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Maintenance of Standards of Medical Education Regulations 2023, (MSMER 2023).
Issuing the FAQs, the NMC discussed the format of the annual disclosure report, areas of evaluation and submission of information to the NMC for assessment.
The notice further stated, “These FAQs are in the nature of explanation for ease of understanding of the general public and cannot be upheld in a court of law. Please refer to the relevant Guidelines for legal validity.”
1. From which date will these Regulations be applicable?
These Regulations shall be applicable from the date of publication i.e. from 19th September, 2023.
2. For whom are these Regulations applicable?
These Regulations are applicable for all stake holders, i.e. for every institution / medical college under jurisdiction of NMC.
3. Where can the format for ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT be available?
Shall be as per the annexure VII pages 60 to 64 on the pdf attached below. However modifications in this format may be made from time to time.
4. Where and when should the Annual Disclosure be uploaded?
After its establishment, the medical college / institution shall upload the annual disclosure as per the notifications put by corresponding Boards – UGMEB or PGMEB; from time to time.
5. Is college required to furnish any other information related to establishment / functioning of the college or MSR/ CBME, etc to NMC or any of its Boards?
The concerned Board may seek such additional information as and when deemed necessary for their assessment and otherwise from the concerned medical institution or related agencies having or exercising control over that medical college / institution.
6. What will be the areas of Evaluation of Report?
Keeping in mind the overall objectives of the Act, the UGMEB or PGMEB may seek information related to (although not necessarily limited to) :
i. verification of physical infrastructure;
ii. availability of required number of qualified faculty for actual teaching, research and to undertake necessary student learning activities on a regular and continued basis;
iii. availability of adequate clinical material in terms of number of patients of different specialties,
iv. variety of patients to fulfill all round training of students,
v. number of variety of procedures, surgeries, laboratory investigations, radiological investigations and other relevant investigations;
vi. assessment of the teaching methodology adopted;
vii. the methods and modes of assessment, grading of the students;
viii. review of feedback from students;
ix. other parameters related to standards of medical education that may be added from time to time by the respective boards or NMC.
7. What will be the time frame for submission of the data to the concerned Board/ NMC?
Not later than 30 days from the date of receipt of communication from the concerned Board or such additional time provided by the respective Board on specific request from the applicant in that regard. Ordinarily the college must be ready with all the required information once the batch of students (for UG/PG) is ready to be admitted for that academic year.
8. What will be the consequences if the applicant fails to submit such information within the prescribed time limit?
Failure in submission of such information or data due to any reason shall be deemed as non-compliance with the Regulations and shall attract penalty. However remedial measures or actions may be contemplated upon by the concerned Board after joint meetings with other Boards/ NMC and such action shall be intimated to the medical college/ institution within a period of 3 weeks.
9. What will be the outcome of Compliance/ successful disclosure of required information provided by the college/ institution?
If the medical college/ institution is found to be successfully meeting requirements as prescribed for the concerned Board, then the concerned Board shall provide a renewal certificate for continuation of the course(s) and admission of students thereof for the forthcoming Academic Year.
To view the notice, click on the link below –