Lending Signatures, expired License: Maha Pathologist suspended for 3 years

Mumbai: Taking action against a pathologist for allowing to use her signature in multiple pathology reports from Private Labs even though she did not supervise those reports, the Maharashtra Medical Council (MMC) has removed her name from the Medical Register for three years.

MMC noted that while the doctor had multiple attachments with Private Pathology Labs, such laboratories were located at places which made it impossible for any individual to attend daily. Meanwhile, the name and signature of the doctor were used as.a routine as well as Insurance Claim reports.

Even though the doctor was suspended for six months back in the year 2021, she allegedly continued signing multiple pathology reports and when she was issued notice by the Commission, she chose not to respond to the same.

Apart from these allegations, the Council also found that the doctor had not responded to the communication/notices of the Council from 2019 and had not renewed the Registration since 2012. Further, she was found practicing in Maharashtra without any valid licence.

“Therefore, the Administrator of the Council, empowered u/sec 31 and MMC Act, hereby passes the order to remove the Registration/Name of RMP Dr. Sireesha Mohan (Reg. No. 63614) for the period of 3 (Three) years from Register maintained u/ sec 16 of MMC Act and informing the same to NMC for updating Registration details,” MMC mentioned in its order.

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The complaint against the doctor was filed by Mr. Prasad Kulkarni back in 2019. He alleged that the doctor was involved in malpractices and insurance fraud as detected by a Private Insurance Fraud Detection Agency i.e. Bullet Health Care Pvt. Ltd. During the fraud detection of insurance claim cases, it was observed that the doctor had multiple attachments with Private Pathology Labs, whereas these labs were located at places which made it impossible for any individual to attend on daily basis.

After considering the complaint, MMC issued notice. However, the doctor did not reply to the notice. Thereafter, MMC held the hearings on various dates and after issuing due notices to both the parties as well, the doctor did not turn up and chose to remain absent. Considering this, the Committee decided to frame charge sheet and accordingly, the charge sheet was issued on 20.03.2020. 

After the framing of charges, the matter was placed before the Executive Committee. However, for the said inquiry also, the doctor remained absent. After detailed discussions and deliberations, the Council decided to suspend her medical license. Accordingly, the council suspended her Registration under section 10 (d) of the MMC Act, 1965 through the order dated 02.12.2020. Accordingly, the doctor was refrained from doing any medical practice.

Following this, another inquiry was held on 15/05/2021, for which, the doctor again chose to remain absent. Considering her continuous absence and ignorance to the Council’s notices, the Council decided to take stern action against the doctor. Therefore, through the order dated 18/09/2021, MMC removed her registration for a period of six months. Since, the doctor had not preferred any appeal before the erstwhile MCI, now NMC, the MMC order was confirmed. 

Also Read: Medical Council wrath on Pathologists for allowing use of Scanned Signatures

Medical Dialogues had earlier reported, that holding the Maharashtra-based pathologist Dr. Mohan guilty of gross violation of Professional code of ethics, MMC had taken action against her for certifying pathology lab reports without personal supervision and allowing private laboratories for using her scanned signatures. Back then, the Exective Committee of the Council had decided to remove her registration from the register for 6 months.

However, back in 2023, the complainant pointed out before the Commission that during the suspension period also, the doctor was found involved in signing of multiple pathology reports. 

Taking note of this, MMC issued a notice to the doctor on 18/09/2023. Again, the doctor chose not to respond to the notice and “disobeyed the directions given by the Council.”                                                                    

Further inquiry was held on 03/04/2024 and the complianant produced more evidence i.e. Pathology lab reports signed by the doctor during the removal period.

The council noted that the doctor did not respond to the notices issued by MMC, was practicing without valid licence and she also had not renewed her licence since 2012.

“Therefore, considering the nature of the complaint, suspension order as well as removal order 85 considering you have not responded to the communication/ notices of the council from 2019, neither you had renewed your Registration since 2012 and you were found practicing in the State of Maharashtra without valid licence. Further not communicated or attended enquiry held by the Council, it shows disrespect to the council. In view of above, your name and your Reg. No. 63614 is hereby removed for the period of 3 (Three) years from the medical register, thereby you have been refrained from doing any kind of medical practice and/or professional duty during the removal period. If found doing so, same may be treated practice by unregistered practitioner and liable for Criminal Action,” MMC mentioned in its order.

Accordingly, the MMC Administrator decided to remove the doctor’s registration or her name from the Register maintained u/ sec 16 of MMC Act for a period of three (3) years.

To view the MMC order, click on the link below:


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