JIPMER Calls for Proposals To 1st Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting 2025

Puducherry- Through a circular, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry has informed about the submission of the proposal in the 1st JIPMER Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting (JSAC) for the year 2025. The last date for submission of proposals (by mail and hard copy) is 14th December 2024 (12:00 PM).

On 9th January 2025 (Thursday), JIPMER is going to organise the 1st meeting of the JIPMER Scientific Advisory Committee (JSAC).

Candidates are instructed to use the combined format containing Section-1 (for JSAC), and Section-2 (for Intramural Research Fund Committee) and fill both sections accordingly. The Format is available under the Research Category on the official website of JIPMER, which is mentioned in the notice.

The participants should ensure that they submit both an original hard copy and a Xerox copy of the research proposal, along with a cover letter addressed to the Dean (Research). The hard copy should be written in 11 font size, with 1.5 spacing and page numbering, using both sides of A4 size paper. If participants fail to submit the research proposal in the given format the proposal will not be accepted and no subsequent modification of the proposals will also not be accepted. However, only citing and listing references as per the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) style will be accepted.

Candidates are required to mail the scanned copy of the proposal (with all required signatures) in “.pdf format” and the Microsoft Word file of the proposal in “.docx format” (2 attachments) to the official Gmail ID of JIPMER with the subject as “Submission of Initial / Revised proposal by <> for First JSAC 2025 meeting on 09/01/2025”.

The notice further stated that “There can be only one co-investigator from the same department to discourage gift co-investigatorship. It applies to both the department of primary investigator and the department of collaborating investigator”.

To view the circular, click the link below


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