Guayusa Extract and Lion’s Mane Mushrooms enhance mood and cognitive function

A recent study by Michael Monica and team explored the cognitive effects of guayusa extract and Nordic Lion’s Mane (LM) that highlight their potential to enhance mental performance. Researchers have found in a new study that Guayusa Extract and Lion’s Mane Mushrooms enhance mood and cognitive function.
The findings were published in Nutrients Journal.
This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design study aimed to look into the impact of a single dose of 650 mg guayusa extract (AMT: AmaTea® Max) versus 1 g Nordic-grown Lion’s Mane (LM) versus a placebo (PL).
The participants engaged in three testing visits, undergoing neuropsychological tests, subjective assessments of cognitive perception, and vital sign monitoring. The results showed significant cognitive improvements with the intake of guayusa extract and Lion’s Mane.
AMT improved performance across various metrics including Serial 7s, N-Back, and Go/No-go tasks. It enhanced mental clarity, focus, concentration, mood, and productivity at both 1 and 2 hours post-ingestion. Also, AMT uniquely elevated blood pressure, suggesting a potential physiological impact.
On the other hand, LM demonstrated positive effects on working memory, complex attention, and reaction time, particularly 2 hours after ingestion. LM users reported improved subjective ratings of happiness compared to peers and getting the most out of everything.
The study found that AMT surpassed LM and the placebo in various aspects. AMT users reported greater mental clarity, focus, concentration, and productivity compared to the LM and PL groups.
While these interventions enhance the self-perceived cognitive indices of affect and perceptions of happiness, the onset of these effects varied. LM users experienced these positive shifts earlier, 1 hour post-ingestion, compared to the 2-hour mark with AMT.
These findings offer insights into the nuanced impacts of natural extracts on cognition. As the recent trends in nootropics and cognitive enhancers grows the understanding the specific benefits and timelines of these substances becomes mandatory.
La Monica, M. B., Raub, B., Ziegenfuss, E. J., Hartshorn, S., Grdic, J., Gustat, A., Sandrock, J., & Ziegenfuss, T. N. (2023). Acute effects of naturally occurring guayusa tea and Nordic Lion’s Mane extracts on cognitive performance. Nutrients, 15(24), 5018.