Exploring Diabetes: More Than Just Sugar Control – Dr Somnath Mitra

Diabetes, characterized by high blood sugar levels, demands concern due to its potential complications. It can lead to serious issues like heart disease and kidney problems. Proactive management through a healthy lifestyle, regular monitoring, and medical guidance is essential to prevent complications, ensuring a better quality of life for individuals dealing with diabetes.

Contrary to the popular myth that diabetes is solely a sugar control issue, it’s important to recognize its multifaceted nature. While managing blood sugar levels is pivotal, diabetes also affects various organs and systems, leading to potential complications like heart disease and kidney issues. It involves intricate factors such as insulin resistance, genetic predisposition, and lifestyle choices. Comprehensive diabetes management encompasses more than sugar control, addressing overall health through balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and medical supervision.

In this video, Dr Somnath Mitra from Manipal Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka discusses Diabetes and its complications while dispelling the myth that Diabetes is only a sugar control issue.

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