Joining after court stay on transfer

गलत तबादला किये जाने अथवा अन्य स्थिति में कई बार कार्मिक अदालत जाकर न्याय मांगते हैं और कई बार वो उस तबादले पर स्थगन आदेश ले आते हैं और उन्हें वापस से जॉइन करवाया जाता है ।

लेकिन जॉइन कहाँ करवाया जाए यह मुद्दा विचारणीय है, इसके लिए निदेशक जन स्वास्थ्य द्वारा निम्न आदेश पारित किया गया है (यह आदेश मेडिकल सुपरिटेंडेंट पर लागू नहीं होता है) –

इस आदेश की आड़ में अनावश्यक ऐ पी ओ कर के रखता है सचिवालय ।
किसी भी विभाग में ऐसा नहीं होता है कि स्थगन प्राप्त अधिकारी कर्मचारी को निदेशालय में उपस्थिति देनी पड़े वह भी महीनों तक ।
मेडिकल सुपरिंटेंडेंट के अधीनस्थ चिकित्सक को सीधे ही ज्वाइन करवाया जाता है ।

जबकि निदेशालय के अधिनस्थ, पीएमओ ,सीएमएचओ एवम् ब्लॉक सीएमओ के अधीन चिकित्सकों को ही निदेशालय में उपस्थिति देनी पड़ती है ।
फाइलें सचिवालय की टेबल पर पड़ी रहती हैं लेकिन डिप्टी सेक्रेटरी साहब कहते हैं contempt lagado contempt laga do :/

ये लोग न्यायालय के आदेशों की पूर्ण पालना नहीं करना चाहते ।

जिन की राजनीतिक (₹) पहुंच है वे अपने स्थानांतरण ही निरस्त करवा लेते हैं, बाकी आम कार्मिक भटकते रहते हैं ।

एपीओ की अधिकतम अवधि फिक्स होनी चाहिए और उसमें कार्मिक के साथ सहयोगात्मक रवैया दिखाते हुए मामले को निपटाया जाना चाहिए, जबकि होता उल्टा है कि जानबूझकर परेशान करने के लिए लटकाया जाता है ताकि कार्मिक सिस्टम के आगे सरेंडर कर दे (₹₹₹) !

Child care leave Rajasthan CCL

चाइल्ड केयर लीव
तीन स्थितियों में ली जा सकती है – बच्चे की देखभाल अथवा परीक्षा अथवा बीमारी में, यानि बच्चे की परीक्षा और बीमारी ही होना आवश्यक नहीं है बल्कि सामान्य पालन हेतु भी छुट्टी मिलती है 🙂
1- राजस्थान सेवा नियम 1951 में नया नियम *103 C चाइल्ड केअर लीव* जोड़ा गया।
2- एक महिला कर्मिक को उसके पूरे सेवाकाल में सबसे बड़े दो बच्चों के पालन पोषण व जरूरत के समय देखभाल यथा बीमार होने, परीक्षा इत्यादि के लिए अधिकतम *2 वर्ष जो कि 730 दिन* के लिए ये, अवकाश स्वीकृत करने वाले सक्षम अधिकारी द्वारा स्वीकृत की जा सकेगी।
3- तत्काल प्रभाव से लागू किया गया।
4- चाइल्ड का तात्पर्य उसकी *आयु 18 वर्ष से कम हो*। *40%* या उससे अधिक विकलांगता की स्थिति में *22 वर्ष* तक चाइल्ड माना जायेगा।
5- यह *सवैतनिक अवकाश* होगा।  अवकाश प्रस्थान से पूर्व जो वेतन आहरित किया जा रहा है वो इस अवकाश काल में देय होगा।
6- इसे अन्य किसी भी देय अवकाश के साथ लिया जा सकेगा।
7- इस अवकाश के लिए आवेदन राज्य सरकार द्वारा जारी *अनुमोदित प्रारूप* में स्वीकृती हेतु समयानुरूप आवेदन करना होगा।
8- चाइल्ड केयर लीव अधिकार नही है। किसी भी स्थिति में महिला कार्मिक बिना सक्षम अधिकारी की पूर्व स्वीकृति के अवकाश पर प्रस्थान नहीं कर सकेगी।
9- किसी भी स्थिति में अनाधिकृत रूप से अनुपस्थित रही महिला कार्मिक को यह अवकाश स्वीकृत नहीं किया जायेगा अगर बाद में इस अवकाश हेतु आवेदन किया है तो।
10- *पहले लिए जा चुके अवकाश* और वर्तमान में धारित अवकाश को किसी भी सूरत में चाइल्ड केयर लीव में *परिवर्तित नही* किया जा सकेगा।
11- इस अवकाश को अन्य अवकाश लेखो में से नहीं घटाया जा सकेगा।  राज्य सरकार द्वारा निर्धारित फॉर्म में इन अवकाशों को संधारित किया जाएगा। तथा ये फॉर्म सेवा पुस्तिका में चिपकाया जाएगा।
12- सक्षम अधिकारी आवेदित अवकाश को स्वीकृत करने से *मना भी कर सकता* अगर राज कार्य प्रभावित होते होते हों अथवा विभागीय लक्ष्यों की पूर्ति नहीं हो पा रही हों।
13-  *एक कलेंडर वर्ष में तीन बार से अधिक ये अवकाश नहीं लिया जा सकेगा।* एक स्पेल जो कि एक कैलेंडर वर्ष में शुरू हुआ और अगले कैलेंडर वर्ष में खत्म हो है तो ऐसी स्थिति में उसे, जिस कलेंडर वर्ष में अवकाश शुरू हुआ है उसमें गिना जाएगा।
14- सामान्यता *प्रोबेशनर्स को यह अवकाश देय नही होगा*।यद्धपी फिर भी विशेष परिस्थितियों कोई ये अवकाश लेता है तो उसका प्रोबेशन अवकाश अवधि के बराबर आगे बढ़ाया जाएगा।
15- यह अवकाश उपार्जित अवकाश की भांति ही ट्रीट होगा। तथा उसी प्रकार स्वीकृत किया जा सकेगा।
16- इस अवकाश के प्रारम्भ अथवा अंत में आने वाले रविवार, सार्वजनिक अवकाश घटाए जायेंगे।
17- दिव्यांग चाइल्ड के लिए ये अवकाश लेने पर सक्षम अधिकारी द्वारा जारी प्रमाण पत्र प्रस्तुत करने पर ही स्वीकृत किया जा सकेगा।
18- चाइल्ड के बीमार होने पर व बाहर रहने की स्थिति में डॉक्टर के प्रमाण के आधार पर ये अवकाश लिया जा सकेगा।
19- चाइल्ड की परीक्षा होने पर लिया जा सकेगा। यदि चाइल्ड होस्टल में रहता है तो महिला कार्मिक को यह तथ्य प्रस्तुत करना होगा कि होस्टल में आपकी केअर की जरूरत कैसे है। इसका प्रमाण प्रस्तुत करने पर ही हॉस्टलर्स चाइल्ड के लिए ये अवकाश स्वीकृत किया जा सकेगा।।
Attachments –
1. Order, Application formats
2. Clarification

Dynamic assured career progression DACP

Press Information Bureau 

Government of India

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

27-August-2013 13:27 IST

Career Promotion Schemes for Doctors 


Central Health Service (CHS) Officers in Central Government are governed by the Dynamic Assured Career Progression (DACP) Scheme, which was implemented by Government of India based on the recommendations of Vth Central Pay Commission providing promotion to the CHS officers without linkage to vacancies upto the level of Chief Medical Officer – Non-Functional Selection Grade (CMO-NFSG)/ Specialist Grade I/ Professor w.e.f. 5.4.2002. The benefit of promotion under DACP Scheme was extended to Dental Officers under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare without linkage to vacancies upto the level of Staff Surgeon (Dental) (NFSG)/ Professor/ Maxillofacial Surgeon w.e.f. 25.8.2006.


Based on the acceptance of VIth Central Pay Commission’s the Government of India further extended the Dynamic Assured Career Progression (DACP) Scheme upto the Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) level without linkage to vacancies in respect of Medical and Dental Doctors in the Central Government, whether belonging to Organised Service or holding isolated posts w.e.f. 29.10.2008 .All Ministries/ Departments of the Central Government are required to implement the DACP Scheme accordingly in respect of Medical/ Dental Doctors under their control. This benefit of promotion upto the level of SAG without linkage to vacancies under DACP Scheme was also extended to the officers of various sub-cadres of Central Health Service (CHS) and Dental Doctors under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare w.e.f. 29.10.2008.

Doctors belonging to respective State services are not under the ambit of Central Government. The promotion of eligible Central Government medical doctors is a continuous ongoing process and promotions are made after following due procedure like Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) constituted for the purpose and fulfilment of other formalities as per Department of Personnel & Training’s instructions in this regard.

This information was given by the Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad in written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.


Certificate Course – Post MBBS

One year Certificate Courses for in-Service Medical Officers (MBBS)
In reference to this Directorate Order No. Gazetted/DPC/C.Coursel 2014/972 dated 18-11-2014 and 1071 dated 06-01-2015, 267 selected in­ service doctors have been sent to Government Medical Colleges of the State on training for One year Certificate Course in, 10 Specialities.
As directed, applications are re-invited for the remaining vacant seats (List attached) with following relaxations in eligibility criteria:-
1. Minimum service rendered after regular selection is decreased from 5
years previously to 4 years after relaxation.
2. Minimum remaining service is decreased from 10 years previously to 8
years after relaxation.
3. Selected candidates shall furnish a bond of Rupees 25 Lacs for 8 years
mandatory Government Service after completion of course.

Rajasthan medical and health service rules Amendments

Joining Time Leave

Leaves – At a Glance

Leave is a provision to stay away from work for genuine reasons with prior approval of the authorities.   It may be granted for a casual purpose or a planned activity, on medical grounds or in extra-ordinary conditions.

Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right.  Accordingly, leave rules and norms have been categorized under various heads.

(a) Casual leave –15/Year (12 in Probation), lapses at end of the year, treated as duty

(b) Privilege leave/Earned leave – EL/PL (30/Year, 15 on 1st Jan. & 15 on 1st July) can accumulate 300 PL in service, rest lapses. can surrender 15 PL of year and receive payment of it (Basic+NPA+DA)

(c) Half pay leave/ Sick leave – half pay leave of 20 days in respect of  each completed year of service (can convert in 10 full day leaves) Maximum 180 Days.

(d) Maternity leave – 180 Days.

(e) Leave without pay/Extraordinary leave

(f) Quarantine leave

(g) Accident leave

(h) Study leave

(i) Paternity leave- 15 Days – Must finish these leaves within 90 Days from Delivery day.

(j) Sterilization leave – 6 Days/14 Days – From day of sterilization (Tubectomy-14/Vasectomy-6)

(k) Abortion leave

(l) Restricted holidays – 2 Days per year

(j) Adoption leave
(k) Leave not due LND


S.No. Type of Leave Duration Purpose Remark
1. Casual Leave(It cannot be combined with any other leave). 15 days  per year Personal work etc. Maximum  5  days  at  a  stretch excluding    intervening prefix. suffix holidays.
2. Maternity Leave Maternity:   180 daysMiscarriage:   45 days Maternity/miscarriage Not to be debited to Leave account.Can be combined with any other leave except CL.
3. Adoption Leave 2 months to one year depending upon the age of child Adopt the child Only to female employees Not to be debited to Leave account.Can be combined with any other leave except CL.
4. Paternity leave 15 days Take care of the child andwife Only to male member. Not to bedebited to Leave account.Can be combined with any other leave except CL.
5. Half-Pay Leave(HPL)(20 days for each year of completed service) 10 days credit for every six months Medical grounds / private affairs
6. Commuted Leave(based on medical certificate) Medical grounds

Study purpose

Twice the amount of commuted leave granted will be debited against HPL.Commuted upto 180 days during the entire service.(EL and Commuted Leave together should not exceed 240 days).
7. Earned Leave(can be combined with any leave and also can be prefixed and suffixed with holidays but Intervening holidays will be treated as EL). EL can be availed up to a maximum of 180 days at a stretch.  Also called as Privileged Leave PL Accumulated up to 300 days only.
8 Study Leave Maximum 24 months, 28 months including vacation ,36 months for Ph.D . To acquire higher qualification Minimum 3/5 years of service
9. Special Casual Leave for Family Planning 6 Days Male14 days Female TubectomyVasectomy
10. Extraordinary Leave (EoL) (eligible after 5 years continuous service) 1:5 5 years during the entire service and  limited to 2 years on one occasion. *  assignments*  Higher studies.* Research activities

* Fellowship

*  Sickness / medical certificate

EOL of 1 year for 5 years of qualifying service.
Formula for calculating eligible period of EOL:Total period of  service fromDate of joining                                             : n years
Total period of Sab. Leave                         :  a years (excluding leave at credit)Total period of EoL availed                       : b years(other than leave on medical, higher studies & leave at credit)

EOL availed for study leave                       : c years

Eligible period of EOL                              = (n – a x 7 – b x 6 – c) / 5 years  or 5 years whichever is less

(excluding leave at credit)                               (may be rounded off)

11. Restricted Leave  2 Days per year


3.1            Special casual leave is not a recognized form of leave and a Government servant on special casual leave is not treated as absent from duty.

(MHA OM No.46/1/58-Estt.(A), dated 17th December, 1958)

3.2      Special casual leave must not be granted so as to extend the term of leave beyond the time admissible under the rules or to cause evasion of rules regarding date of reckoning pay and allowances, change of office, commencement and end of leave, or return from duty.

(MHA OM No.46/7/50-Estt.(A), dated 5th April, 1954)

3.3      Special casual leave can be combined with regular leave or casual leave, but not with both.

(DP&AR OM No.28016/4/77-Estt.(A), dated 5th April, 1954)

3.4      Where the maximum permissible limit of special casual leave is in terms of days as distinct from working days.  Sundays and closed holidays intervening in a period of special casual leave are not to be ignored for determining the maximum entitlement of special casual leave for a specific purpose.

(Clarification contained in DP&AR OM No. 28016/4/77-Estt.(A),46/7/50-Estt.(A), dated 18.5.78 and DP&AR OM No. 28016/1/80-Estt.(A), 30th April, 1981)

3.5             Leave travel concession can be availed of during special casual leave.

(DP&AR OM No. 35011/3/76-Estt.(A), dated end May, 1977)



4.1            The extend of special casual leave admissible to the Central Government servants under the Family Welfare Programme for various operations is as follows:-

Nature of Operation Maximum Duration
Male Government servants
(i) Vasectomy 6 working days
(ii) Vasectomy for second time 6 working days
Female Government servants
(i) Puerperal/non-puerperal tubectomy 14 days
(ii) Puerperal/non-puerperal tubectomy   for second time 14 days
(iii) Salpingectomy after Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) 14 days
(iv) IUCD insertion/reinsertion Day of insertion/reinsertion.

Grant of special casual leave for undergoing tubectomy by female Government servants will be permissible even when the operation is under laproscopic method.  The grant of special casual leave for undergoing sterilization i.e. vasectomy/tubectomy for the second time will be subject to production of a medical certificate from the prescribed medical authority to the effect that the second operation was performed due to failure of the first operation.  The special casual leave connected with sterilization can either be prefixed to or suffixed with regular leave or casual leave and not both.

(DP&AR OM No. 28016/3/78-Estt(A), dated the 6th August, 1979, OM No. 28016/1/80-Estt.(A), dated the 30th April, 1980 and OM No. 28016/5/83-Estt.(A), dated the 25th January, 1984)

4.2      Additional special casual leave over and above the limits mentioned in para 4.1 above can be granted to Government servants, who development post-sterilisation operation complications and are hospitalized.  The grant of additional special casual leave covering the period of hospitalization is subject to the production of a medical certificate from the hospital authorities concerned/authorized Medical Attendant.  The same benefit is also admissible to those who do not remain hospitalized but are not found fit to go to work, on the production of a medical certificate from the above authorities but the grant of extra special casual leave will be subject to the following ceilings in these cases:-

Post-vasectomy complications 7 days
Post-tubectomy complications 14 days

(DP&AR OM No. 28016/3/75-Estt(A), dated 6th August, 1979 and OM No. 28016/1/80-Estt(A), dated 30th April, 1981)

4.3     Special casual leave upto a maximum period of 7 days can be given to a male Government servant, whose wife undergoes puerperal/non-puerperal tubectomy including sterilization performed through laproscopy for the first or the second time.  The same amount of special casual leave is admissible to him even if his wife undergoes tubectomy /salpingectomy operation under MTP.  The grant of special casual leave in both the cases will be subject to production of a medical certificate certifying that his wife has undergone the particular sterilization operation.

(DP&AR OM No. 28016/3/75-Estt(A), dated 6th August, 1979)

4.4      Central Government servants who undergo operation of recanlisation may be granted special casual leave upto a period of 21 days or the actual period of hospitalization as certified by the authorized medical attendant whichever is less.  Besides, special casual leave may also be granted for the actual period of journey performed (to and fro) for undergoing the operation.  The grant of special casual leave is subject to the following conditions:-

(i) The operation should have been performed in an hospital/medical college/institute where facilities for recanalisation is available.  If the operation is performed in a private hospital, it should be one nominated by State/Central Government for performing the recanlisation operation.

4.5     The concession of special casual leave for recanalisation operation is admissible to central Government servants who –

(a) are unmarried, or
(b)  have been less than two children; or
(c) desire recanalisation for substantial reasons, e.g. a person has lost all male children or all female children after sterilization operation performed earlier.

4.6           Special casual leave connected with recanalisation may be prefixed or suffixed with regular leave or casual leave and not both.



While the Government may issue specific instructions regarding treatment of the period of absence of employees during any particular bandh, ordinary a Government servant may be granted special casual leave as explained below, if the competent authority is satisfied that the absence of the individual concerned was entirely due to reasons beyond his control, e.g. due to failure to transport, or disturbances or picketing or imposition of curfew etc.  If  the absence was due to failure of transport facilities, the special casual leave may be granted if the Government servants had to come from a distance or more 3 miles (5 kms.) to their places of duty.

If the absence was due to picketing or disturbances or curfew, the special casual leave may be granted without insisting on the condition that the distance between the place of duty and residence of the Government servant should be more than 3 miles (5 Kms).

Special casual leave in these cases may be granted by the Head of the Department.

(DP&T OM No. 27/6/71-Estt(B), dated the 1st Nov. 1971

DP&T OM No. 28016/1/79-Estt(A), dated the 28th May,1979

DP&T OM No. 3011/(S)/87-Estt(B), dated the 16th Feb., 1987)


Casual Leave CL

2.1       Casual leave is not a recognized form of leave.  The Government servant on casual leave is not treated as absent from duty and his pay is not intermitted.  Casual leave must not, however, be given so as to cause evasion of the rules regarding:-

(i) Date of reckoning allowances
(ii) Charges of office
(iii) Commencement and end of leave.
(iv) Return to duty

Or so as to extend the term of earned or other leave beyond the time admissibility by rule.

(Article 308 Civil Services Regulations)

2.2       The maximum amount of casual leave admissible to the staff serving in civil offices of the Government of India is 12 days in a calendar year, subject to the condition that no more than 8 days casual leave may be allowed at any one time.  The Head of the office may, however, relax the limit of 8 days in individual cases of he considers that there are exceptional circumstances justifying a relaxation in this regard.

(MHA OM No, 6/3/59-Estt(A), dated 23rd December, 1959)

2.3       The maximum amount of casual leave in a calendar year in respect of Government servants, who are entitled to less number of public holidays in a year that the number allowed to the office staff in administrative offices, will be 15 days.

(DP&AR No. 28016/1/77-Estt(A) dated the 17th Sept., 1977)

2.4      Sundays and closed holidays can be prefixed or suffixed to the casual leave.  Public holidays and weekly offs falling within a period of casual leave should not be counted as part of the casual leave.

(MHA OM No.6/3/59-Estt(A) dated 23rd December, 1959 and 20th August, 1960)

2.5              Restricted holidays can also be prefixed or suffixed to casual leave. 

(MHA OM No.20/37/60-Pub.I, dated 7th October., 1960)

2.6       Persons who join Government service in the middle of the year, can be allowed to avail of casual leave proportionately or the full maximum period in a year, at the discretion of the authority competent to sanction the leave.

(MHA OM No.6/3/59-Estt.(A), dated 23rd December, 1959)

2.7      Casual Leave can be combined with Special Casual leave, but where it is permissible to grant regular leave in combination with special casual leave, casual leave should not be granted in combination  with both special casual leave and regular leave.

(OM No.46/8/67-Estt.(A), dated 22nd July, 1967)

2.8            Casual leave cannot be combined with joining time.

(Rule 6(2) of the GGS (Joining Time) Rules, 1979)

2.9             Casual leave can be taken while on tour.

(M/O Finance OM No. 1(14) E.IV(B)/66, dated 7.2.67)

2.10     Grant of half a day’s casual leave to a Government servant is permissible.  The lunch interval will be the dividing line for the grant of half a day’s casual leave.  The balance at credit in the casual leave account of Government ser ants can, therefore, be in terms of full day or full days and half a day.

(MHA OM No.60/17/64-Estt.(A), dated 4th August, 1965)

2.11     If a Government servant having only half a day’s casual leave at his credit avails it in the afternoon of a day and is unable to resume duty on the next working day due to sickness or other compelling grounds, he may be permitted to combine half-a-day’s casual leave with regular leave by way of exception in the principle laid down in paragraph 2.1 above.  However, a Government servant having only half a day’s casual leave at his credit who has applied for regular leave shall not be permitted to avail of the half a day’s casual leave on the afternoon on the day preceding the commencement of his leave.

(MHA OM No.60/45/65-Estt.(A), dated 4.2.66)

2.12     Half-d-day’s causal leave should be debited to the casual leave account of a Government servant for each late attendance but late attendance up to an hour, on not more than two occasions in a month may be condoned by the competent authority, if it is satisfied that the late attendance is due to unavoidable reasons.  Similarly a Government servant, leaves office early before the time for closing of office without permission, half-a-day’s casual leave should be debited to his casual leave account for each such early departure from office.

2.13         If a Government servant having no casual leave to his credit comes late without sufficient justification and the administrative authority is not prepared to condone the late coming but does not at the same time propose to take disciplinary action, it may inform the Government servant that he will be treated as on unauthorized absence for the day on which he has come late and leave it to the Government servant himself either to fall the consequences of unauthorized absence or apply for earned leave or any other kind of leave due to admissible for the entire day and sanction the leave.

(DP&AR OM No.28034/3/82-Estt.(A), dated 5th March, 1982)

2.14          For the purpose of maintaining the account of casual leave, a register is to be maintained.  Only one page should be used for a whole year for all the employees in one section (Group) appropriate indication being given in the relevant column against the date on which casual leave or restricted holiday is availed of by an individual and the entry should be attested by the sanctioning office promptly by means of dated initials.

(OM No.46/3/61-Estt.(A), dated 17th July, 1961)

12.1       Government servants who donates blood on a working day casual leave for that day.

(MHA OM No. 46/11/56-Estt(A), dated the 8th Oct., 1956)