Compensatory (city) allowance

uncleared bounced cheques

CCA and Conduct Rules

Rural Allowance

All Medical Officers working on Rural PHCs are entitled for 1000 Rs/Month Rural Allowance. (From 08/12/2017)
It do not count as “emolument”..
In simple way this is not a part of ”Basic Pay” !

Uploaded – Latest rural area defination 🙂

What is Pay Manager ?


1. Pension
1.1 Meaning : Pension is a recurring monthly payment on retirement to a Government
1.2 Elements of Pension :
The three main elements, which go into computation of pension are :-
(a) The length of qualifying service of a Government Servant.
(b) Reckonable emoluments for pension and
(c) The scale and formula of pension applicable on the date of retirement.
1.2.1 Qualifying Service:-
The amount of pension is based on the length of ‘qualifying service’ of a retiring
Government Servant. Out of the total service of a Government Servant, the
following periods do not qualify for pension.
(i) Boy Service (Service rendered before attaining the age of 18 years.)
(ii) Extraordinary leave without medical certificate.
(iii) Overstay, Periods of suspension and other interruptions declared as nonqualifying.
(iv) Service as apprentice.
Commencement of qualifying service :-
Qualifying service commences from the date of initial appointment on a post and
time scale in State Government department, followed without interruption in the same or
any other service or post under the Government. It should be paid from the consolidated
fund of the State. The period of deputation to any other organization under the
orders/approval of the State Government is treated as qualifying for pension. The amount
of pension contribution @ 12% of the maximum of the scale of the post, is however
payable by the Borrowing organization through Directorate of Pension and Pensioners’
Welfare to the Government of Rajasthan.

For GPF the stoppage of deductions would be from three months before the date of RETIREMENT of the employee concerned
For SI the stoppage would be from three months before the date of MATURITY, according to rules all employees going to retire between 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016 are having same date of MATURITY i.e. 01/04/2015 hence their deduction for SI would stop at the same time.

RSR increment rule Extraordinary leave

rsr increment rule Extraordinary leave –

Government of Rajasthan’s Decision.

According to ‘Proviso’ below Rule 31 (b) (ii) of Rajasthan Service Rules [inserted

vide Finance Department Notification No. F. 1 (71) FD (Exp.-Rules)66, dated 28-10-1966],

extraordinary leave in individual cases is allowed to count for increment, if such leave is

availed of for any of the reasons specified in clause (i) or (ii) of the said rule.

It has been observed that such cases are referred to Finance Department long after

the leave is sanctioned. The matter has been considered and it has been decided that the

authority competent to sanction leave while sanctioning extraordinary leave should also

decide at the same time and not later, whether such period of leave should count for

increment and specific recommendation to that effect should be made simultaneously to

Government in the Administrative Department which will take decision with approval of

Finance Department.

Recommendations for period of Extraordinary leave granted in future counting for increment

will not be entertained by the Department, if it was not made simultaneously while granting


court cases decisions for in service quota

court cases decisions for in service quota rural urban service tehsil uptehsil !

physical verification of employees

complaint commitie in departments