What are ten threats to global health in 2019 ?

Amarnath Yatra Duty for Doctors

क्या है मुख्यमंत्री निशुल्क दवा एवं जांच योजना का अगला कदम ?

प्रदेश के अस्पतालों में चलेगा औचक निरीक्षण का दौर, मिशन निदेशक खुद उतरे मैदान में

कमान सम्हालते ही डॉ. समित शर्मा, मिशन निदेशक ने प्रदेश के सभी अधिकारियों को निर्देशित किया है कि वे अपने अपने क्षेत्र में अस्पतालों का सघन निरीक्षण करें ।

यह निरीक्षण उन अस्पतालों में व्यवस्था सुधारने की दिशा में होगा ।

मिशन निदेशक जयपुर के गणगौरी अस्पताल में निशुल्क दवा योजना की जानकारी लेकर निर्देश देते हुए –

मिशन निदेशक का मैसेज –

Good morning freinds,
As discussed yesterday, today all Directors, PDs, Additional and Joint directors, CMHOs , RCHOs , ADD/Dy CMHOs , DPMs ,BCMOs and DPCs etc (and MD, NHM also) will be visiting and monitoring our hospitals, CHCs, PHCs and Sub centres etc.
The objective is to monitor and improve the healthcare services in our state. This is a pious task. It is for supportive supervision and it’s not a fault finding exercise. Instead try to ‘catch’ them doing something ‘right’ and appreciate them and pat their back, instill confidence and a sense of responsibility in them.
The idea is to understand the genuine issues of the doctors and staff in field and to motivate, inspire and encourage them to provide quality healthcare services.
The focus can be on :
1. The healthcare facility starts delivering services as per the designated time. All doctors and staff are available (and providing services) during the work hours (and with Uniform and id card so the patient easily identifies them).
2. Get medicines from DDWs and make them available at all DDCs, a print of list of available medicine (with quantity) should be provided at the table of all doctors every Monday morning, before the opd starts. The idea is medicines are to be provided to all patients.
3. Availability of reagents, technician, equipment, x-ray films, ecg rolls etc so that patients can be properly investigated.
4. Properly arranged, neat and clean hospital specially opd , patient waiting area, labour room, wards and toilets.
5. Assured availability of quality health care services so that the patient feels satisfied and thanks us. (And we we too feel contented and thank God for choosing the noble profession for our life)
Believe me, together we will be creating history, in coming years. The concept of Health for all and universal health coverage is still largely in PSM books, together we can implement it on ground. It is an arduous task, but needs to be done, and of course attainable with hard work. Lakhs of poor and needy patients require our services to cure their suffering, pain and illness. God has entrusted this pious task to all of us.
So, please go ahead with a positive outlook and happy mood and make today a useful day.

A day worth living. A successful day of our life.

All the best.
Dr. Samit Sharma

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