BFUHS Invites Applications For MD, MS, PG Diploma, DNB, Ultrasonography courses, Know all admission Details

Faridkot: Through a recent notice, the Baba Farid University of Health Sciences (BFUHS) has invited applications for MD, MS, PG Diploma, MDS, Six Months Training in Ultrasonography, Post MBBS DNB (Degree) and Post MBBS Diploma Courses for this academic year.
Online Application/Registration for admission to MD/MS/Diploma/MDS/DNB/PGDSM and six months training in Ultrasonography courses is to be undertaken online at the University website
Candidates are advised to fill the online admission application form well in advance to avoid the last minute rush and other technical issues. BFUHS will not be responsible for any delays in filling the online application. No application will be accepted after the last date of receipt of applications as released from time to time.
Application form for admission to PG courses can’t be submitted offline/printed copy by post. Incomplete application not in accordance with instructions shall not be considered and are liable to be rejected. The application fee shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
Admissions including eligibility to various PG Courses shall be governed and regulated as per the rules and regulations etc. as per Punjab Govt. notifications as well as detailed instructions mentioned on Govt. of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare/Directorate of Health and Family Welfare at its website etc.
Those who are not eligible as per guidelines of Punjab Govt. notification, terms & conditions of Govt. of India on its website will not be considered for admission. The candidates will participate in counselling process at their own risk & responsibility. Eligibility is also subject to medical fitness and such criteria as may be prescribed by the Punjab Government/ University/MCC/NMC/DCI.
Candidates’ eligibility is purely provisional & subject to the fulfillment of eligibility criteria as per Punjab Government Notification incorporated in this prospectus.
Application of candidates producing false or fabricated information shall not be considered and candidates shall be further debarred from participating in any Counseling’s conducted by BFUHS, Faridkot.
Any attempt by a candidate to influence directly or indirectly any person concerned with the admission will disqualify him/her.
Final seat matrix shall be displayed at the time of choice filling during respective round of online counseling.
The admission for PG courses shall be made only to those institutions and specialties which have permission from all of the concerned authorities.
The fee structure for the Government/Privately managed colleges/hospitals is as per Punjab Government notification(s) for Post Graduate Degree/Diploma courses. If Punjab Government issues any subsequent amendment/corrigendum for change in fee structure, the same will be applicable in letter and spirit.
In case of any discrepancy or contradiction between the Government notification/s and the University instructions contained in this Prospectus, the letter and spirit of the notification/s shall be prevailing.
Only deposition of fee does not confirm the admission of the candidate. The candidate must fulfill the eligibility criteria for admission to PG Courses as per terms & conditions of Punjab Govt. notification and GOI instructions on its website
Changes, if any, in the schedule of counselling etc. shall be notified only through website of the University so keep in touch with website regularly.
Candidates must retain the copy of prospectus with them till admissions. They should read carefully the instructions and the rules & regulations of the Punjab Govt. Notification/s and comply with all instructions therein strictly.
The allotment of specialty and college/hospital to the applicants for admission shall be made as per merit determined on the basis of NEET-PG-2023 and the availability of specialty and college/hospital preferred by the candidate at the time of online counselling.
Candidates applying under any of the reserve category are directed to fill the right category code mentioned in this prospectus for claiming reservation under a category and also bring/attach/upload all relevant documents/proof of respective category with admission application form and also directed to bring along photocopies and originals at the time of reporting to the college/hospital. Any request for change in category/quota will not be considered after the last date of receipt of applications as released from time to time. This is explicitly made clear that one claimed in online application form for any round, any request for change in cateogory/quota will not be considered in the subsequent round under any circumstances.
Candidates should ensure before applying for the admission that their MBBS/BDS degree is recognized as per provisions of Indian Medical/Denal Council Act. If it is found at any time that MBBS/BDS degree is not recognized, the candidature shall be cancelled/ deemed to be cancelled.
(i) Admission Application Fee of Rs. 5000 +18% GST (Rs. 5900/-) will be deposited through online payment gateway only. SC candidates will deposit fee of Rs. 2500+18% GST (Rs. 2950).
(ii) Only those Admission Application Forms will be considered for counseling, fee for which has been deposited by due date/time.
(iii) No request for accepting the deposition of application fee shall be considered after due date/time.
(iv) Fee once deposited in University Account will not be refunded/adjusted in any case.
(v) Fee shall not be accepted in any other mode i.e. Cash, Cheque, Demand Draft etc.
1. The NEET PG qualified candidates who seeks to apply under NRI quota seats, have to obtain provisional Eligibility/equivalency certificate from the BFUHS, Faridkot and will have to apply on prescribed format available on university website along with prescribed fee for NRI seats.
2. For ascertaining the eligibility relevant documents including foreign Country Passport or Green Card or Permanent Resident Card or Proof of Residency of Foreign Country issued by competent authority or OCI/PIO Card issued by the Government of India shall be taken into consideration.
3. The admission under NRI category shall be strictly according to preference category wise merit as per Punjab Govt. notification/instructions. After selection, the candidate will be required to deposit the prescribed fee as per instructions.
4. The following is the procedure of admission under NRI Category :
(i) Application form for issuing of Eligibility/ Equivalency certificate is available in the Admission Branch BFUHS, Faridkot and can be downloaded from University website
(ii). Eligibility * NRI who passed MBBS
* Must have completed internship as per NMC
* Must be qualified- NEET-PG-2024
(iii). Candidate must be registered with MCI /State Medical Council and must have recognition Certificate of MBBS/Equivalent Degree from MCI.
(iv). After getting Eligibility/ Equivalency certificate, candidate has to apply on prescribed application form upto stipulated period to the University for Counselling for admission to PG Medical Courses under NRI quota in Private colleges.
(v) Fee Structure in Private Colleges:
Fee Structure for NRI candidates: |
Lump sum | MD/MS (Clinical) US $ |
MD/MS (Basic Sciences)US $ |
PG Diploma US $ |
125,000/- | 20,000/- | 30,000/- | |
Installments | MD/MS (Clinical) US $ |
MD/MS (Basic Sciences)US $ |
PG Diploma US $ |
First (at the time of Admission) | 65000/ | 10,000/- | 15,000/ |
Second (after the one year of 1st Payment) | 30,000/ | 5,000/- | 8,000/- |
Third (after the 2 year of 1st payment) | 30,000/ | 5,000/- | 7,000/- |
(a) The student will have to give a bank guarantee/surety bond for the residual fee, if he/she opts to pay the fee in installment as provided.
(b) Selected Candidates will have to deposit full/1st installment of the fee through university website from the foreign NRI account after seat allotment and before joining the allotted college.
(c) If payment made through Demand Draft, Demand Draft should be in favour of Registrar, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, payable at Faridkot.
(d) The payment should either be in US $ or is drawn from their own or parents NRE account along with bank certificate/statement showing that payment is drawn from candidate or parents account.
1. The admission to MD/MS/PG Diploma/DNB/PGDSM and six months training in Ultrasonography shall be opened to candidates who have qualified NEET-PG-2024 and eligible as per Punjab Govt. notifications and subsequent amendment(s)/ corrigendum(s) and possessing basic qualifications i.e. MBBS for various PG Medical Courses.
2. Candidates cannot claim a seat/admission on the basis of the NEET-PG-2024 rank alone. Eligibility and Merit of a candidate for admission against any PG seat will be determined by the Admission Committee at the time of reporting in the college/hospital, strictly as per rules and regulations laid down in the Punjab Govt. Notification(s) as published in this prospectus and instructions of Govt. of India available on website
3. Counseling / Admissions shall be conducted by the Admission Committee constituted by the Punjab Government for this purpose.
4. Minority Quota seats: The final eligibility for getting seat under Minority Quota will be determined by the respective Minority institution in accordance with Punjab Govt. notifications and as per rules and regulations followed by respective institutions.
Steps to be followed for submission of online application form, submission of online preferences/choices for online counselling, etc.
1. Candidates will have to log on University website i.e. and read the Punjab Govt. notification and instructions as contained in the Prospectus carefully.
2. Candidates who qualifies NEET-PG-2024 are eligible to apply ONLINE for admission to Post Graduate Courses including Post Graduate Diploma Courses and six month training in Ultrasonography.
3. Following documents are required to upload on the online registration form :
I. Soft copy of Photograph of the candidate. (Maximum size 30 KB)
II. Soft copy of the signatures of the candidate. (Maximum Size 30 KB)
4. Specifications for Photograph:–
I. A colour photograph of minimum 35×45 mm with at least 75% coverage of face & head of the candidate
II. A caption indicating name of candidate and date of taking photograph should be there at the bottom of photo.
III. Photograph should be taken in a white /very light colored background.
IV. Photograph should not have cap or goggles. Spectacles are allowed if being used regularly. POLAROID and COMPUTER generated photos are not acceptable.
V. The photograph needs to display full front view of the face. Please look directly into the camera with a neutral expression.
VI. Please avoid photograph with reflection or shadow on the face with red eyes.
VII. The photograph needs to be printed on a high quality paper with at least 600 dpi resolutions.
VIII. The colours must possess the natural appearance and skin tone.
IX. The photograph must not have kinks, scratches and stains.
Note: Applications not complying with these instructions or with unclear photographs are liable to be rejected.
5. After completion of filling online admission application form, University will issue a unique Registration ID (i.e Login ID) and password will be provided to the candidate at his/her registered Mobile number in admission application form through SMS/ email. Registration Number and password are mandatory for further process, so keep it secret and don’t disclose to any unknown person.
6. Merely submission of online application form & fee does not confer any automatic rights to secure a Postgraduate MD/MS/Diploma/DNB/PGDSM seat/six months training in Ultrasonography courses.
7. Candidates should ensure before applying for the admission that their MBBS degree is recognized as per provisions of Indian Medical Council Act. If it is found at any time that MBBS degree is not recognized, the candidature/result shall be cancelled/ deemed to be cancelled.
8. Candidate shall submit online ADMISSION APPLICATION FORM only once. Applications submitted more than once are liable to be rejected.
9. Candidates are required to fill online Admission Application Form very carefully and should not leave any column blank.
10. Candidate has to deposit the application fee through online University payment gateway.
11. Application form for admission to PG COURSES submitted offline/printed copy shall not be accepted.
12. Candidate shall retain the Admission Application Form till the completion of admission process.
13. Incomplete application forms shall not be considered and are liable to be rejected. The fee shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
Fill category carefully in the online Admission Application Form. Category once claimed will not be changed in any case after submitting the form. Those candidates, who will not fill/claim any category code as per prospectus or wrongly filled category code other than mentioned in prospectus, will be treated as Open/General Category candidate. The candidate has to select a category code from the codes given below and fill the category accordingly. More than one category may be filled by a candidate if it is considered applicable in the candidate’s particular case.
Category codes are exclusively for the purpose of facilitating the candidates to know and understand his/her respective merit placement at the time of counselling in particular reserved category as filled by him/her. No benefit of reservation whatsoever shall be given if the claim is not made in online Admission Application Form. Reserve category selection on the part of the candidate shall not in any case be construed to give him/her any legitimacy or right or claim on the benefits for reserved seats during admission unless he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria for being considered in particular reserve category as per Punjab Govt. instructions and submit the relevant documents as per Punjab Government Notifications published in the prospectus.
Categories |
11 |
Open/General Category |
12 |
Schedule Castes |
13 |
Backward Classes |
14 |
Persons With Disability * |
15 |
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) ** |
16 |
* Instructions for Persons with Disability category :
(i) Disability certificate – The candidates must obtain their online disability certificate from designated disability board in an online mode generated by the disability Centre as per the NMC norms before the choice filling commences. Only candidates who have made their disability certificate through online mode from the designated centres will be eligible to fill in the PwD choices. BFUHS/MCC does not issue/ authenticate/ verify and has no role in generation of online Disability certificate
(ii) Candidates shall bring the valid certificate in the prescribed format from any of the designated centre on the day of counselling.
(iii) No separate medical board will be constituted for the admission under this category and no other disability certificate in this regard shall be entertained
** Instructions for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) category :
(i) It is explicitly made clear that candidate applying under EWS category shall have to produce the EWS certificate as prescribed in the Prospectus by the competent authority of Govt. of Punjab only.
(ii) EWS certificate produced from States other than Punjab will not be considered at any cost.
(iii) The instructions for EWS certificate are as per the guidelines and terms and conditions of State of Punjab.
1. The University shall display the State Merit List (of registered candidates) on the University website. After displaying the state merit list of registered candidates, the University shall open the online portal for choice filling. Online counselling will be held as per schedule posted on website.
1. Only registered candidates are eligible for the counselling(s), no candidate shall be allowed to participate in the counselling (online/physical) without registration and deposition of fee before last date as prescribed.
2. The candidates should read the eligibility conditions carefully and just exercising online option of college/hospital / appearing in counselling does not entitle him/her for admission. Eligibility conditions for admissions are as per Punjab Govt. Notification(s).
The eligibility of the candidate shall be determined by the Principal / Nodal Officer of allotted college/hospital at the time of document verification and checking of eligibility at the provisional allotted College/Hospital. Those who are not eligible as per Punjab Govt. notification and not found fit medically as per MCI Gazette notification No. MCI34(41)/2019-Med./112862 dated 13.05.2019, will not be considered for admission.
3. Counselling for admission to PG courses, session 2024 will be conducted online followed by Physical reporting of the candidates to allotted college/hospital. During online counseling, candidates will fill online counselling form. They shall give their preferences of course, specialty and college/hospital. The Provisional Seat will be allocated as per merit list and in order of preferences given by the candidate
Therefore, candidates are advised to take proper caution while filling up the order of preferences of course, specialty and college/hospital.
4. Candidates of reserved categories (who scored marks equivalent or more than the minimum cut-off of open merit NEET PG marks) will be considered first in open merit and if seat is not available in open merit as per choice/merit of candidate then the seat will be allotted in reserve category provided that seat is available in that category.
5. Candidates of reserved categories with score less than the cut-off of open merit will be considered only for reserve category seats as per qualifying criteria of NEET PG.
6. After provisional allocation of seat, candidates can download provisional allocation letter from the University website after logging into their account and report to the allocated college/hospital along with all original documents for verification of eligibility.
Issuing of Provisional Selection Slip alone does not confer any right to claim the allocated seat in respective college/hospital as provisional selection is subject to verification of documents and checking of eligibility as per guidelines of Punjab Govt. Notification enshrined in the Prospectus.
7. After allocation of seat, mere deposition of tuition fee does not confer any automatic rights to secure a seat/admission. If any candidate failed to report to the college/hospital within stipulated time his/her seat shall automatically stand cancelled.
8. If any candidate does not follow the said process, his/her allocated seat will be cancelled automatically without any intimation and his/her seat shall be declared as vacant for the subsequent round of counseling.
9. In case any candidate wants to quit the course/seat after allotment/joining in first round of counselling, he/she will have to submit written application to the respective college/hospital regarding his/her surrender of seat within the stipulated period.
10. There will be an option for up-gradation and free exit, only in Round 1 of the counselling
1. The online allotment made will be deemed provisional to be confirmed subject to verification of documents at the time of physical joining in the allotted college/hospital.
2. The Provisional seat will be allotted to the candidate as per merit list and speciality/college/hospital for preferences/choices filled by the candidate.
3. After provisional allocation of seat, candidate shall have to report to the allocated college/hospital within stipulated time for verification of documents and checking of eligibility by the Principal/Nodal Officer of concerned College/Hospital. It is sole responsibility of the Principal/Nodal Officer to authenticate the eligibility of the provisionally allocated candidate before joining.
4. The distribution of seats during online allotment will be strictly as per Punjab Govt. notification. During the process of the allotment if person is eligible for that particular quota, then the 1st preference will be given to the availability of seat in Mgt. Quota in a Private institute. However if the seat is not available in Mgt. quota but is available in IP quota then that IP seat will be allotted as per eligibility. This process is followed by the University to give preference to Graduates of Punjab state over other state candidates as other state candidates have their IP/Preference in their parent state. While filling online choices the candidates can go through the seat matrix where all the details of availability of seats as per specialty/Quota/Category wise are shown.
5. The distribution of seats during online allotment will be as per Punjab Govt. notification. During the process of the allotment if candidate is eligible for that particular quota, then the 1st preference will be given to the availability of seat in General/ IP Quota in a respective institute. However if the seat is not available in General/ IP quota but is available in respective category that is SC/BC/EWS candidates of Punjab state quota then that will be allotted. This process is followed by the University as per para no. 12 in Punjab Govt. notification.
For example If a person from SC/BC/EWS category wants to take a seat of M.D. Radiology in Government college through IP, then if there is availability of seat in IP Quota of Govt. Medical College for MD Radiology the candidate will get the same.
However if the seat is not available in the IP Quota of the Govt. Medical College of Radiology then if it is available under the respective reserved category and the candidates is of reserve category of Punjab state, he/she will be allotted the same.
1. The candidates are required to deposit the tuition fee through online University payment gateway only and then report to the respective allotted college/hospital for verification of original documents/credentials. The candidate must submit proof of fee remittance to the Principal/Nodal Officer of concerned College/Hospital/Institution. If the provisionally selected candidate is found eligible as per instructions mentioned in Punjab Govt. Notification no. 5/26/2016-5HB-III/423 dated 06.03.2023 or Notification No.5/8/2021-5HB3/1323 dated 07.06.2023, candidate will be allowed to submithis/her joining report after medical checkup and completing other formalities.
2. The respective Colleges will send the Registration Return of candidates to the university within stipulated date alongwith proforma, original documents, registration fee of the candidate for registering the candidate in particular course/speciality/quota. If at the time of registration, any candidate is found not eligible as per Punjab Govt. notification by the University, then his/her selection will be cancelled by the University immediately.
3. The selected candidates shall report to the provisional allocated college / hospital for checking of eligibility and document verification along with the following documents:
i) Candidates allotted seat must carry one of the identification proofs (ID Proof) to the allotted college/hospital at the time of admission (as mentioned in the information Bulletin published by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) for AIPGMEE/AIPGDEE i.e. PAN Card, Driving License, Voter ID, Passport or Aadhar Card.)
ii) Receipt of deposition of six month fee as per clause 18(i) of notification.
iii) Admit card issued by NBE
iv) Result/Rank Latter issued by NBE.
v) High School/Higher Secondary Certificate/Birth Certificate as proof of date of Birth.
vi) Mark Sheets of all MBBS Professional Examinations.
vii) MBBS Degree Certificate/Provisional Certificate.
viii) Internship Completion Certificate/Certificate from the Head of Institution.
ix) Permanent / provisional Registration Certificate issued by NMC /State Medical Council.
x) In service candidates will produce provisional NOC from the competent authority.
xi) The Candidate should also bring the following certificate if applicable.
a) SC Certificate issued by the competent authority of Punjab or BC certificate issued by the competent authority of Punjab. The BC certificate must be in the format as mentioned in the prospectus or
Disability Certificate issued from duly constituted and authorized Medical Board for 21 Benchmark Disabilities as per the Rights of Persons with Disability Act,2016 as mentioned in the Information Bulletin for National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (Post Graduate) NEET-PG-2024. No other PWD certificate, issued by any other Authorities/ Hospital will be entertained. or EWS certificate issued by the competent authority of Punjab.
b) The undertaking mentioned in the Prospectus as Annexure B (if applicable).
4. Verification of Documents of candidates applied under Christian and Sikh Minority Quota.
The candidate who have applied under minority quota will report to the respective minority institutions before conducting online counselling as per schedule. Verification of eligibility under Sikh Minority Quota and Christian Minority Quota is made compulsory to participate in the online process of counselling. The list of candidates who have applied for respective minority quota will be forwarded to the respective institute. The minority status of the candidate will be verified by the institute as per rules and regulations followed by their institute. The list of eligible candidates under Minority Quota will be provided by the institutes only.
Those candidates who will be found eligible will be considered for the respective quota as per the notification.
1. The provisionally selected candidates are required to deposit the requisite six months fee through university payment gateway in university account after logging into their login ID account and carry the payment receipt to the respective allotted institute.
2. The Provisional Selection Slip will be generated only after the confirmation of deposition of fee
Details of six month fee/minimum fee for 1st year to be collected from the provisionally selected candidates.
Sr. No. |
Speciality |
Stream |
Govt. College/Hospital six month fee |
Private Colleges Six month fee |
Govt. Quota |
Mgt. Quota |
NRI Quota 1st Installment |
1. |
Anatomy |
Basic |
50000 |
130000 |
130000 |
US$ 10000 |
2. |
Biochemistry |
Basic |
50000 |
130000 |
130000 |
US$ 10000 |
3. |
Immuno Haematology and Blood Transfusion |
Basic |
50000 |
130000 |
130000 |
US$ 10000 |
4. |
Microbiology |
Basic |
50000 |
130000 |
130000 |
US$ 10000 |
5. |
Pharmacology |
Basic |
50000 |
130000 |
130000 |
US$ 10000 |
6. |
Physiology |
Basic |
50000 |
130000 |
130000 |
US$ 10000 |
7. |
Community Medicine |
Basic |
50000 |
130000 |
130000 |
US$ 10000 |
8. |
Forensic Medicine & Toxicology |
Basic |
50000 |
130000 |
130000 |
US$ 10000 |
9. |
Anaesthesiology |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
10. |
Skin & STD |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
11. |
General Medicine |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
12. |
Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
13. |
Ophthalmology |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
14. |
Orthopedics |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
15. |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
16. |
Pathology |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
17. |
Paediatrics |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
18. |
Psychiatry |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
19. |
Radio-diagnosis |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
20. |
General Surgery |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
21. |
Radiotherapy |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
22. |
TB & Chest |
Clinical |
62500 |
325000 |
325000 |
US$ 65000 |
23. |
Diploma in Anaesthesia (DA) |
Clinical |
62500 |
195000 |
195000 |
US$ 15000 |
24. |
Diploma in Child Health (DCH) |
Clinical |
62500 |
195000 |
195000 |
US$ 15000 |
25. |
MDS Courses |
Clinical |
62500 |
292500 |
292500 |
US$50000 |
26. |
20000 |
27. |
Ultrasonography Training |
Training |
10000 |
50000 |
50000 |
28. |
DNB Courses |
37500 |
1. The process for inviting willingness to participate in the 2nd /subsequent rounds of online PG counselling shall be commenced before submission of online preferences/choices for 2nd / subsequent round of counseling. If candidate want to participate for 2nd / subsequent round, he/she will have to submit willingness as per the rules & regulations of Government of India posted on Only those candidates will be considered for 2nd /subsequent round who will submit willingness by depositing requisite security amount for participation.
2. Security Deposit :The amount of Security to be deposited for submitting willingness will be as under :
(i) For Government colleges/institutions – Rs. 25,000/- (Rs. 10000/- for SC/BC/PwD)
(ii) For Private Colleges – Rs. 2,00,000/- for all categories
Instruction for 2nd round of online counselling only : If candidate is satisfied with seat allocated to him/her during 1st round of online counselling, he/she is not required to participate in the 2nd round of counselling. In case, candidate wishes/intends to upgrade/shift/change his/her seat, he/she will have to participate in the 2nd round of counselling and will have to give willingness to participate in 2nd round counseling and will have to submit preferences afresh for the course, specialty and college. It is pertinent to mention here that the candidates can fill the choices of colleges which are not reflecting in the vacancy position of seats as few seats may arise due to shifting of candidates from one stream/category to another stream / category during 2nd round of counseling. In this regard, it is made clear that during 2nd online counseling one can upgrade/shift seat. Therefore, any seat may arise in 2nd round due to shifting of seats.
Hence, it is not mandatory to fill only those choices/preference which are reflected in the vacancy position of seats. So candidates are advised to fill the preference/choices of colleges as per their choice. The seats in 2nd round will be allocated as per availability of seats as per merit cum choice/preference submitted by the candidate.
The candidates to whom seats are allotted in the 1st round of counseling will also submit the willingness to participate in the 2nd round of online counselling, however, the fee deposited by them will be adjusted and they will have to pay the remaining amount of security deposit. Those who have already paid more than Rs. 200,000/- need not to pay security deposit again. The consent/willingness is mandatory to participate in 2nd round. In case seat is upgraded/changed in the 2nd round of counselling, the tuition fee deposited at the time of first counselling will be adjusted and only difference in fee, if any, has to be deposited.
Instruction for 3rd round of online counselling only : If candidate is satisfied with seat allocated to him/her during 1st /2nd round of online counseling and joined the seat, he/she is not required to participate in the 3rd round of counselling. In case, candidate wishes/intends to upgrade/change his/her seat he/she will have to participate in the 3rd round of counselling and will give his/her preferences afresh for the course, specialty and college/hospital. It is pertinent to mention here that the candidates can fill the choices of colleges/hospital which are not reflecting in the vacancy position of seats as few seats may arise due to shifting of candidates from one stream/category to another stream / category during 3rd round of counseling. In this regard, it is made clear that during 3rd online counseling one can upgrade/shift seat as per his/her choice.
This is also made clear that some seats of reserve category, NRI Quota seats, etc. may remain vacant after exhausting all candidates of respective category/quota as per notification. Therefore, any seat may become vacant in 3rd round due to shifting/conversion of seats. Hence, it is not mandatory to fill only those choices/preference which are reflected in the vacancy position of seats. So candidates are advised to fill the preference/choices of colleges/hospitals as per their choice. The seats in 3rd round will be allocated as per availability of seats as per merit cum choice/preference submitted by the candidate. The candidates who have joined the seat of 1st/2nd round of counseling and want to shift/upgrade the seat, will also submit the willingness to participate in the 3rd round of online counseling as per schedule,
however, the fee deposited by them will be adjusted and they will have to pay the remaining amount of security deposit. Those who have already paid more than Rs. 200,000/- need not to pay security deposit again. The consent/willingness is mandatory to participate in 3rd round. In case seat is upgraded/changed in the 3rd round of counselling, the tuition fee deposited at the time of first/second counselling will be adjusted and only difference in fee, if any, has to be deposited.
5. Shifting/upgradation of seat is not allowed after the 3rd round of counseling
To view the official Notice, Click here :