Applying For FMGE June 2024: Know the Exam Scheme

New Delhi- The National Board of Examination in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) recently began the application process for FMGE 2024- Foreign Medical Graduate Examination. For candidates appearing for FMGE, NBE also released an information bulletin detailing the scheme of examination.
FMGE for June 2024 will be conducted on 6th July 2024 on the computer-based platform at various testing centres across the country. The registration has already begun and will be valid till 11:55 pm on 20th May 2024. Candidates can submit the application form for FMGE June 2024 online on the official website of NBE.
1 The examination consists of one paper, comprising of 300 multiple choice questions and is administered using a computer network as per the prescribed scheme. Each question shall have 4 response options/distractors in English language only. Candidates are required to select the correct/best/ most appropriate response/answer out of the 4 response options provided in each question.
2 The paper shall be delivered in two parts to be taken in a single day with each part comprising of 150 questions to be attempted in 150 minutes. There is a scheduled break between the two parts. Allocation of time for the FMGE shall be as follows:
S.NO |
PART-I ((9:00 AM – 11:30 AM) |
PART-II ((2:00 PM – 04:30 PM) |
1 |
Allow Candidates to enter the examination centre and Commence Registration. |
07:00 AM. |
12:00 PM. |
2 |
Entry closes at the Examination Center. |
08:30 AM. |
01:30 PM. |
3 |
Grant access for Candidate Login. |
08:45 AM. |
01:45 PM. |
4 |
Candidates log in to read instructions. |
08:50 AM. |
01:50 PM. |
5 |
Exam Start Time. |
09:00 AM. |
02:00 PM. |
6 |
Exam End Time. |
11:30 AM. |
04:30 PM. |
3 The question paper for each part of FMGE will be divided into multiple time-bound sections. For example, if there are 3-time bound sections* (Section A, B & C) in each part of the question paper, each such section will have 50 questions and 50 minutes of time allotted for the section. Candidates would be restricted from proceeding to the next section till completion of the allotted time of the previous section and candidates would not be allowed to review the questions/ modify the responses of a section after the completion of the allotted time of that section. Questions of the next section will start automatically after the completion of the allotted time of the previous section.
4 Candidates are given an option to mark any question, whether attempted or not, for review which means that the candidate has been given an option to go through these questions in a section again before the allotted time to a section ends. Candidates may note that such questions which are marked for review shall be evaluated as per the marking scheme mentioned above.
5 There will be no negative marking.
6 A candidate shall be declared as having passed only if he/she obtains a minimum of 150 marks out of 300 in the examination. Results (Pass/Fail) for eligible candidates will be displayed on the NBEMS website. There is no provision for re-totaling/re-evaluation/ award of grace marks in FMGE.
7 There are no restrictions on a number of attempts that can be availed by a candidate. However, FMGE being a qualifying examination, once a candidate qualifies the FMGE, he or she shall not be eligible to take the FMGE again. Any examination taken by a candidate in violation of this clause shall be treated as void and as cancelled.
Online Application Form Submission.
Issuance of Admit Cards.
Reporting at Test Centre on Schedule Date and Time.
Security Check-in Process.
Registration for Test + Face ID Capture.
Examination Ends.
S.NO |
1 |
Online Submission of Applications. |
29th April 2024 to 20th May 2024 (Till 11:55 PM). |
2 |
Edit Window for All Payment Success Applications (Any information/documents can be edited except Name, Nationality, Email, Mobile number and Test City). |
24th May 2024 to 28th May 2024. |
3 |
Final Edit Window to rectify Deficient/Incorrect Images (No further opportunity shall be given)- 1 Photograph. 2 Signatures. 3 Thumb Impression. |
7th June 2024 to 10th June 2024. |
4 |
Opportunity to rectify deficiencies related to documents uploaded in the application- 1 Primary Medical Qualification Certificate (PMQC). 2 Apostille/Attestation of PMQC by the Indian embassy concerned. 3 Eligibility Certificate or Admission Letter. 4 Proof of Citizenship. |
Through Online Deficient Document Submission Portal. The portal will be closed on 14th June 2024 at 11:55 PM. |
5 |
Final opportunity to rectify deficiencies related to documents uploaded in the application (A list of such candidates will be published on the NBEMS website). |
21st June 2024 (11 AM onwards) to 24th June 2024 (Till 11:55 PM). |
6 |
Issue of Admit Card. |
1st July 2024. |
7 |
Examination Date. |
6th July 2024. |
8 |
Declaration of Result. |
By 6th August 2024. |