JIPMER Calls For Competitive Intramural Research Grants Proposals for faculty, details

Puducherry- Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) has invited proposals for competitive intramural research grants for faculty.

Intending to provide high-quality, innovative research ideas that are likely to be impactful, the competitive nature of research grants prepares our faculty to apply for extramural grants. Therefore, a call for this proposal will be issued every 3-6 months, an official circular stated.

The proposals can be in areas related to basic, translational, and clinical research. These will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee, including external experts if necessary. The projects will be prioritised based on-

1 Scientific merit: novelty, clarity of objectives and methodological rigour.

2 Feasibility, including timelines and resources required.

3 Applicability (direct or indirect) to health issues in the region, and likelihood of leading to continued future extramural-funded research on the particular topic in the Institute.

4 Projects with collaboration across disciplines.

It is to be noted that, the number of projects to be approved is flexible. Proposals with higher priority ranking will be funded. Funds will be disbursed on an annual basis through SFACTS, initially upon ethics clearance, and for 2″ years after evaluation of the annual progress report and receipt of the statement of expenditure.

Meanwhile, Principal investigators (PIs) applying for these grants must be permanent faculty members at (Puducherry or Karaikal). Co-investigators can be from within the Institute or from other institutions.

Furthermore, each proposal can have a budget of up to Rs. 6 lakhs and a duration of up to 2 years. A PI is eligible to get only one grant during a particular iteration, with a maximum of two concurrent intramural grants (approved at different times) at any time. Major equipment (costing, over Rs 50.000 each) or staff are not permitted.


Applications should be emailed to the official website of JIPMER as mentioned in the circular by June 20, 2024, and should also include-

1 A one-page cover letter with a self-explanatory proposal title, outlining the relevance.

2 A research proposal with title, justification/background, objectives, methodology, expected outcomes (in free format with the above headings; up to 5 pages; single-spaced; font size 12 with inter-paragraph space and 1″ margin all around), and budget on a separate page.

3 A short CV of the PI and external co-investigators (max 2 pages: only qualifications,

work experience, and details of up to 5 original research papers in Vancouver format).

4 For PI, a table listing all intramural/extramural grants over the last 5 years as PI (with project title, start/end dates, funding agency, and the amount sanctioned for the JIPMER centre) should be annexed.

However, proposals that were not funded in the previous cycle can also be submitted, with the suggested modifications, the circular lastly added.

To view the circular, click the link below

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