FMGE June 2024 Registrations: Here is Eligibility Criteria

New Delhi- The National Board of Examination in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) recently invited applications for the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE) June 2024. For candidates appearing for FMGE, NBE has also released an information bulletin detailing the Eligibility Criteria for the FMGE for June 2024.

FMGE for June 2024 will be conducted on 6th July 2024 on the computer-based platform at various testing centres across the country. The registration has already begun and will be valid till 11:55 pm on 20th May 2024. Candidates can submit the application form for FMGE June 2024 online on the official website of NBE.


The candidate must meet/fulfil the following criteria-

1 He / She is a citizen of India or an Overseas Citizen of India.

2 The candidate should possess a primary medical qualification, which is confirmed by the Indian Embassy concerned, to be a recognized qualification for enrolment as a medical practitioner in the country in which the institution awarding the said qualification is situated.

3 The result of the final examination for the said primary medical qualification should have been declared on or before 30th April 2024. However, the candidates need to submit proof /documentary evidence that clearly establishes that the result of the final examination for such a primary medical qualification was declared on or before the cut-off date i.e. 30th April 2024. If the proof / documentary evidence submitted by the candidate does not clearly establish that the result of the final examination of his primary medical qualification was declared on or before 30th April 2024 and/or does not clearly specify that the candidate has been declared PASS/QUALIFIED in the final examinations in all mandatory required courses, the candidature shall be cancelled and the candidate shall be declared as ineligible.

4 As per Eligibility Requirement for Taking Admission in an Undergraduate Medical Course in a Foreign Medical Institution Regulation, 2002-

I The candidate should have obtained an ‘Eligibility Certificate’ from the National Medical Commission (or the erstwhile Medical Council of India). This requirement shall not be necessary in respect of Indian citizens or Overseas Citizens of India who have acquired the medical qualifications from foreign medical institutions before 15.03.2002 or have obtained admission to a foreign medical institution either before 15.03.2002 or during 15.05.2013 to 03.01.2014 (both dates included).

II In terms of the notification published in the Gazette of India, “Indian Citizens/Overseas Citizens of India intending to obtain primary medical qualification from any medical institution outside India, on or after May 2018, shall have to mandatorily qualify the ‘National-Eligibility-cumEntrance Test for Admission to MBBS course’. The result of the ‘National- Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test for Admission to MBBS course’ shall be deemed to be treated as the Eligibility Certificate for such persons, provided that such persons fulfil the Eligibility Criteria for admission to the MBBS course prescribed in the Regulations on Graduate Medical Education, 1997.”

III In terms of notification published in the Gazette of India, “the result of NEET shall be valid for a period of three (3) years from the date of declaration of result, entitling a candidate to pursue MBBS or equivalent medical course including pre-medical/language course, if any, followed by MBBS or equivalent medical course.”

IV Applicants who are applying for FMGE producing their NEET-UG result in lieu of the Eligibility Certificate in terms of aforesaid notifications are accordingly advised to ensure that they fulfil the Eligibility Criteria for admission to the MBBS course prescribed in the Regulations on Graduate Medical Education, 1997. In the event an applicant qualifying FMGE is later found, at the time of seeking registration with a medical council, not to be fulfilling the Eligibility Criteria for admission to the MBBS course as prescribed in the Regulations on Graduate Medical Education, 1997, his /her candidature and result for said FMGE shall be deemed to be cancelled.

5 It is the sole responsibility of the candidate that he/she has fulfilled the stipulations/criteria prescribed in Graduate Medical Education Regulations (GMER), 1997 and Eligibility Requirement before taking admission in the undergraduate medical course in Foreign Medical Institution Regulations, 2002, enumerated herein below, but not limited to the following-

I He/she fulfilled the age criterion prescribed for admission to the MBBS course in the above regulations at the time of joining the Primary Medical Qualification.

II He/she fulfilled the eligibility criteria for admission to the MBBS course in India as prescribed in the Graduate Medical Education Regulations, 1997, i.e., minimum qualifying marks criteria in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English, including relaxed criteria in case the candidate belongs to a reserved category (SC/ST/OBC) or a PwD.

III He/she is in possession of the relevant caste certificate (SC/ST/OBC) from a competent authority issued at the time of his/her admission to Primary Medical Qualification, in case he/she has claimed any relaxed criteria towards minimum qualifying marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English.

6 Candidate seeking provisional or permanent registration in India shall not have to qualify the Screening Test if he/she holds an undergraduate medical qualification from Australia/Canada/New Zealand/United Kingdom/United States of America and the holder thereof has also been awarded a Post Graduate medical qualification in Australia/ Canada/New Zealand/ United Kingdom/United States of America and has been recognised for enrolment as medical practitioner in that country.

7 Eligibility of candidates who have obtained their primary medical qualification from Pakistan shall be subject to their security clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Govt of India. The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India through a vide Letter has directed that-

I In view of national security considerations, no Indian student should go to Pakistan to study in any field. Henceforth, no student should be eligible for appearing in FMGE based on educational qualification (in any subject) acquired in Pakistan except those who had joined Pakistan degree colleges/institutions before November 2018 or later after obtaining security clearance from MHA till 13.04.2022.

II Migrants and their children who have acquired medical degree or higher education from Pakistan and have been granted Indian citizenship by India would not require additional security clearance from MHA for appearing in FMGE or seeking employment including registration with NMC and admission in any educational institutions/colleges including medical institutions/colleges in India. Such security vetting is carried out while granting citizenship.

III The result of FMGE for candidates who have obtained their Primary Medical Qualification from Pakistan shall only be declared if such candidates have been given security clearance by MHA, Govt of India. Migrants from Pakistan are required to submit their Certificates of Registration for Citizenship of India issued by MHA, Govt of India while applying for FMGE.

8 Candidates may also refer to Screening Test Regulations, 2002 & all its amendments, Regulations on Graduate Medical Education and Eligibility Certificate Regulations before applying for FMGE and confirming their eligibility for registration as medical practitioners in India.

9 Pursuant to the recommendations of the NMC through its vide letter has the approval of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Govt of India, only eligible candidates will be allowed to appear in the FMGE who have both the Eligibility Certificate (if applicable) and the Provisional Pass Certificate/Degree Certificate of Primary Medical Qualification.

10 Candidates are therefore advised to apply for FMGE only if they possess with them all the documents required to apply for the examination, including the Eligibility Certificate (if applicable) and the Provisional Pass Certificate/ Degree Certificate of their Primary Medical Qualification duly apostilled/ attested by Indian Embassy concerned.

11 Candidates who fail to submit the documents for FMGE will not be allowed to appear in the examination and will be declared ineligible to appear.

12 The Role of NBEMS is limited to conducting the FMGE and to handover the result to all State Medical Councils (SMCs) in India. The eligibility of a candidate to appear in FMGE shall be solely determined based on information and documents furnished by the candidate in his/her application form which shall be treated as correct & factual as per the declaration of the candidate. The eligibility for registration as a medical practitioner, however, shall be determined by SMCs at the time of provisional/permanent registration of a candidate.

13 ।Any instances of furnishing incorrect information/documents detected during any stage of the examination process and/or subsequently while/after seeking registration with a medical council will automatically disqualify the candidate for the FMGE and for any consequential registration/ employment/ education. Further, if such instances go undetected during any verification process but, are detected in subsequent years, such disqualification will take place with a retrospective effect.

14 Eligibility of candidates who shall be issued admit cards for the examination shall be purely provisional and if ineligibility is detected at any stage of FMGE, the candidature shall be cancelled even if the result has been declared and/or the Pass Certificate has been issued.






Online Submission of Applications.

29th April 2024 to 20th May 2024 (Till 11:55 PM).


Edit Window for All Payment Success Applications (Any information/documents can be edited except Name, Nationality, Email, Mobile number and Test City).

24th May 2024 to 28th May 2024.


Final Edit Window to rectify Deficient/Incorrect Images (No further opportunity shall be given)-

1 Photograph.

2 Signatures.

3 Thumb Impression.

7th June 2024 to 10th June 2024.


Opportunity to rectify deficiencies related to documents uploaded in the application-

1 Primary Medical Qualification Certificate (PMQC).

2 Apostille/Attestation of PMQC by the Indian embassy concerned.

3 Eligibility Certificate or Admission Letter.

4 Proof of Citizenship.

Through Online Deficient Document Submission Portal.

The portal will be closed on 14th June 2024 at 11:55 PM.


Final opportunity to rectify deficiencies related to documents uploaded in the application (A list of such candidates will be published on the NBEMS website).

21st June 2024 (11 AM onwards) to 24th June 2024 (Till 11:55 PM).


Issue of Admit Card.

1st July 2024.


Examination Date.

6th July 2024.


Declaration of Result.

By 6th August 2024.

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