NTRUHS PG Medical Admissions under Management Quota, check out Counselling Procedure

Andhra Pradesh- Dr NTR University of Health Sciences (Dr NTRUHS) has commenced the counselling procedure for admission into the Postgraduate (PG) (Medical) Degree/Diploma Courses under Management Quota (MQ) for the academic year 2024-25. In this regard, Dr NTRUHS has released an information brochure detailing the Counselling Procedure for the said admission.
As per the information brochure, candidates are informed that there is no limit of choices (number) for exercising web options. Candidates can exercise any number of options for any number of specialities and colleges available. Candidates are instructed to be cautious in exercising web options and are advised to take the printout of the saved options. Candidates are advised to exercise options in Courses and colleges in which they are genuinely interested. If candidates are not interested in joining a particular speciality or college, they are advised not to select options for those thereby, allowing the next meritorious candidates a fair opportunity.
The selected candidates can download the provisional allotment order on payment of the University Fee of Rs.49,600/- through the payment gateway and report to the Principal of the Allotted College on or before the date specified in the allotment letter. University fee once paid is not refundable under any circumstances. The selected candidates shall produce all the Original certificates, pay the Tuition fee, necessary bonds etc., and complete the process of admission. If the candidate does not fulfil the criteria as per regulations to complete the admission process on the specified dates of admission, their admission will be cancelled automatically.
The verification of original certificates will be conducted at the time of admission in the respective College and in case of any discrepancy, the Provisional allotment will be cancelled and action will be initiated. If the candidate slides to other colleges (i.e., affiliated colleges of Dr.NTR UHS) during subsequent Phases of counselling the tuition fee will be sent to the slided college by the concerned college where the amount is held.
Meanwhile, the procedure for exercising web options of Phase-II Counselling, Phase-III/Mop Up Round and stray vacancy counselling is the same as Phase I Counselling.
1 If a candidate of Phase-I counselling has not joined/reported in the allotted seat then that particular seat shall not be available for that candidate to exercise web options in Phase-II and all further phases of counselling to prevent the blocking of seats.
2 The Joined candidates of Phase-I Counselling are eligible for upgradation up to Phase-III (Mop Up) round only.
3 Regardless of whether they report to the allotted college of Phase-I in Management Quota, can participate in Competent Authority Quota counselling up to Phase-III.
4 Candidates who have reported the allotted seat of Phase-I can opt for free exit as per the schedule which will be notified.
i All the candidates who have been allotted a seat in Phase-I and reported.
ii All the candidates who have not been allotted any seat in Phase-I counselling.
iii All candidates who have been allotted a seat in Phase-I but have not reported/not joined at the allotted colleges. However, if a candidate has not joined/reported in the allotted seat of Phase-I then that particular seat shall not be available for that candidate to exercise web options in Phase-II counselling.
iv The Joined candidates of Phase-I/Phase-II Counselling are eligible for upgradation up to Phase-III (MoP Up) round only.
2 Regardless of whether they report to the allotted college of Phase-I in Management Quota, can participate in Competent Authority Quota counselling up to Phase-III.
3 Candidates who have reported the allotted seat of Phase-I and/or Phase-II can opt for free exit as per the schedule which will be notified.
4 In this phase, the unfilled seats from Phase-I and vacancies arising due to nonjoining/free exit are filled.
5 Reported Phase-I candidates can upgrade from Phase-I to Phase-II. Candidates getting upgraded in Phase II shall not have any claim on Phase-I seats.
6 The Phase-I seat vacated because of the up-gradation during the course of Phase-II counselling will be added and allotted simultaneously to the next candidates as per the merit and rules.
i All the candidates who have been allotted and reported to the Phase-I/Phase-II seat.
ii All the candidates who have not been allotted any seat in Phase-I/Phase-II counselling.
iii All candidates who have been allotted a seat in Phase-I/Phase-II but have not reported/not joined at the allotted colleges. However, if a candidate has not joined/reported in the allotted seat of Phase-I/Phase-II then that particular seat shall not be available for that candidate to exercise web options in Phase-III/Mop Up counselling.
iv The Joined candidates who are holding a seat in Phase-I or Phase-II or Phase-III (Mop Up) Counselling are not eligible for Stray or any further rounds.
v Candidates allotted a seat in Phase III (Mop-Up) cannot participate in subsequent rounds of State Counselling, regardless of whether they report to the allotted college.
vi MCC of DGHS will share the data of joined candidates in Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3 counsellings with all the participating States. Similarly, the participating States will also share the data of joined candidates. Candidates who have joined up to Round 3 of MCC counselling, the allotted candidates of Stray Vacancy round of MCC counselling and CQ Stray Vacancy round of AP State will be filtered and weeded out before processing for MQ Stray Vacancy round of counselling of AP State.
vii As per MCC Counselling Scheme 2024, the joined candidates up to Round 3 of MCC counselling cannot upgrade or resign after Round 3. If any candidate is allotted a seat in Round 3 of AIQ/Deemed/Central Quota and also allotted a seat in Phase-III/ Mop Up counselling of the AP State, later found that the candidate has joined in Round 3 of AIQ/Deemed/Central Quota, in such cases the seat allotted in Phase-III/ Mop Up counselling of the AP State shall be automatically cancelled at any stage, without any prior notice. Vacancies arising due to such cancellation will be filled up in the Stray Vacancy round. Hence, candidates are advised to exercise caution while deciding to join in either Round 3 of AIQ or Phase-III (Mop Up) of State Counselling.
2 Reported Phase-I & Phase-II candidates can upgrade to Phase-III. Candidates getting upgraded in Phase III shall not have any claim on Phase-I or Phase-II seats.
3 The Phase-I or Phase-II seat vacated because of the up-gradation during Phase III counselling will be added and allotted simultaneously to the next candidates as per the merit and rules
There will be fresh registrations and fresh choice filling for the Final Stray Vacancy Round. The choices filled during earlier phases will not be considered for allotment in the Stray Vacancy Round. Candidates whose names are already present in the Merit list and not holding any seat are also eligible for Stray vacancy provided they satisfy the eligibility conditions of the Stray vacancy round and hence they need not apply again for Stray vacancy notification. Additionally, The choices filled during Phase III (Mop Up) will not be considered for allotment in the Stray Vacancy Round.
i The candidates who have not been allotted in Phase I, Phase II and Phase III of counselling.
ii The candidates who have been allotted, but not joined in Phase I, Phase II of State Quota and All India Quota are eligible to participate in this counselling. However, if a candidate has not joined/reported in the allotted seat of Phase-I/Phase-II then that particular seat shall not be available for that candidate to exercise web options in Stray Vacancy counselling.
iii Candidates not allotted or not holding any seat in Phase-I, Phase-II, and candidates not allotted any seat in Phase-III of (AIQ/State/Deemed) are only eligible for State Stray vacancy round counselling.
i The candidates who are holding PG Medical seats in Phase I, Phase II and Phase III (Mop Up) of State Counselling are not eligible to participate in the Stray round of counselling.
ii The candidate who is holding a seat allotted in Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3 in All India Quota/Deemed universities/other States (shared by MCC/DGHS).
iii The candidates who have been allotted in the stray round of All India Quota/Deemed universities/other States (shared by MCC/DGHS) are not eligible to participate in the State Stray Round of counselling.
iv The candidates who have been allotted in the stray round of the Competent Authority Quota of the AP State are not eligible to participate in the State MQ Stray Round of counselling.
v Candidates allotted a seat in Phase III (Mop-Up) cannot participate in subsequent rounds of State Counselling, regardless of whether they report to the allotted college.
However, if a candidate is allotted a seat in the Stray round, he/she has to report & join the allotted seat/college else he/she shall be debarred from participating in A.P. State Counselling for admission to PG Medical Courses under both Competent Authority Quota seats & Management Quota seats for subsequent 1 (one) academic year
To view the information brochure, click the link below
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